

CMSV6 FAQ4:Admin Account Login Prompt has expired

CMSV6 FAQ4:Admin Account Login Prompt has expired

Posted by Hikway Technology CMSV6 on 27th Nov 2023

CMSV6 Admin Account Login Prompt has expired processing method:Operating Instructions:Connection database;New Enquiries;Execute SQL instructions;1. Connection databaseA.Navicat for MySQL Tool Download … read more
CMSV6 SERVER: Modify database port

CMSV6 SERVER: Modify database port

Posted by HIKWAY Technology CMSV6 on 15th May 2022

step 1:Stop the CMSV6 SERVER MySQL service .step 2: Modify ‘my.ini’ File port in CMSV6 SERVER mysql.step 3 : restart MySQL service in cmsv6 server manager.step 4 :Follow the figure above in cmsv6 … read more