
CMSV6 FAQ4:Admin Account Login Prompt has expired

Posted by Hikway Technology CMSV6 on 27th Nov 2023

CMSV6 FAQ4:Admin Account Login Prompt has expired

CMSV6 Admin Account Login Prompt has expired processing method:

Operating Instructions:

  1. Connection database;
  2. New Enquiries;
  3. Execute SQL instructions;

1. Connection database

A.Navicat for MySQL Tool Download;
Download address: (also it can be downloaded on the Internet)

B. Connection database;
Database access information
The default username: root
password: cmsserverv6
Default port: 3311

IP: or localhost

2. New Enquiries

New query after successful database connection, Enter SQL instructions:
update jt808_account SET Validity =NULL WHERE Account = ‘admin’;

3. Execute the SQL instructions, prompted for success.