
Hikway Intelligent Bus Passenger People Counter Solution

Posted by HIKWAY Technology fleet management solutions on 7th Jun 2020

Hikway Intelligent Bus Passenger People Counter Solution

Intelligent vehicle passenger flow statistics / people counting/ bus passenger counter

Using the binocular passenger flow statistical algorithm, the number of people passing through the video range is calculated in real time, and the crowd flow in the specified area and specified direction is analyzed and counted. Accurate population statistics can be achieved in complex environments with an accuracy of over 98%. Providing managers with real-time, intuitive, and accurate passenger flow data is conducive to more efficient management and organization. The accuracy of passenger flow statistics directly affects the operation of intelligent transportation systems and the benefits of bus operations.

Problems Faced by the Management of Bus Passenger

1. It is impossible to accurately record all the things happening in the car, so as to provide effective image data for the public security organs, facilitate the investigation of theft and injury cases, and help protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers;

2. Passengers complained of lack of factual evidence and lack of effective supervision of passengers and passengers. Due to the lack of factual evidence, passenger complaints have no proof and it is difficult to better improve customer satisfaction;

3. The vehicle is out of the station, the authority is in the driver, and the vehicle cannot be effectively monitored, which causes many loopholes in management;

4. Traffic jams and delays occur from time to time, many cars in the front station are crowded, passengers in the back station are anxious, the buses on the line cannot maintain relatively stable intervals, and the dispatch center is difficult to know and cannot effectively dispatch;

5. Due to the daily use of road slips, reports, ticket tickets, etc., front-line workers need to enter a large amount of basic operating data, which results in a lot of labor costs and waste of paper, and causes difficulties for urban bus staff;

6. The information prompt requires manual operation by the driver, increasing the driver's work intensity, and often makes mistakes or does not prompt at all; in addition, the current effective management of a large number of instruments and equipment is also relatively complicated, and equipment problems cannot be found in time (the summer bus often appears The main cause of the fire is the aging of the equipment in the car).


It aims to realize the statistics of the number of passengers, the number of passengers on and off the bus, the statistics of the number of segmented passengers, the statistics of sending passengers and destinations, the rational allocation of vehicles, the degree of congestion and overload analysis through a set of intelligent vehicle passenger flow statistics system. The function allows passenger transportation companies to play an intelligent dispatching system through the data collected by the system, so that public resources can be more fully utilized. The accuracy of passenger flow statistics directly affects the operation of intelligent transportation systems and the benefits of bus operations, thereby helping passenger transportation companies achieve The comprehensive data information management of passengers and vehicles creates a safe, efficient, high-quality and reasonable passenger transportation system.


To achieve effective statistical analysis of the number of people in the car and the flow of passengers getting on and off, and generate reliable data reports, with the detection accuracy that is second to none in the industry, and the accuracy rate is as high as 98%.

Through these accurate statistical data, bus operation managers can understand the flow of people in each time period, each bus, each station, etc., and provide the most practical and feasible way for public transportation operation management, passenger flow planning, scheduling, and technical support. Scientific solutions help users solve passenger safety management problems in the process of passenger transportation management, so that managers can count passengers conveniently and intuitively at any time and achieve reasonable scheduling.

Today, with such a developed economy, people's mobility tools are becoming more and more diverse, such as cars, buses, subways, bicycles, etc. So what is the preferred means of transportation for citizens? A survey shows that more than 90% of citizens choose to take a bus, which is for cheap, comfortable, and safe. Urban public transport has always been an important part of people’s lives. Infrastructure, and with the continuous growth of China's economy and population, the future of long-distance passenger transport and urban public transport will develop in an upward trend, and the number of passengers will also increase rapidly.

However, the increase in population will cause many problems. Once the number of buses cannot meet the needs of passengers, it will inevitably cause serious phenomena such as bus congestion, disorder, ticket evasion, and unruly management. It will also inevitably cause certain traffic problems. influences.

In addition, due to the lack of an effective vehicle supervision mechanism for bus companies, some long-distance passenger transport industry violations such as "overload, ticket stolen, and corruption" occur from time to time, which not only brings hidden safety hazards for passengers, but also The company also brings great operational risks and economic losses.

In view of this, for the steady development of long-distance passenger transportation and urban public transportation, a complete, simple, and effective passenger flow management system must be supported to solve the occurrence of overload, congestion, congestion, ticket evasion, corruption, and other bad phenomena.

To this end, hikway conducted a detailed study and analysis of such phenomena in passenger transportation management, and developed a complete and efficient passenger flow statistical management system. Through the statistics of bus/long-distance passenger flow, the system can accurately grasp the passenger flow of each time period, each bus, each station, each long-distance passenger bus, etc.

1. System Overview

 Analysis of bus passenger flow data can provide a scientific basis for planning management and operation scheduling of the bus system, making it more reasonable, thereby improving the efficiency of bus companies, improving the quality of bus services, and increasing passenger satisfaction.

Hikway vehicle passenger flow statistics system is an advanced intelligent security system that monitors the flow of people. The system uses binocular passenger flow statistical algorithms to calculate the number of people passing through the video range in real time. Analysis and statistics of the crowd flow. Accurate population statistics can be achieved in complex environments with an accuracy of over 98%. Providing managers with real-time, intuitive, and accurate passenger flow data is conducive to more efficient management and organization. The accuracy of passenger flow statistics directly affects the operation of intelligent transportation systems and the benefits of bus operations.

The purpose of using the vehicle passenger flow statistics system has three main aspects:

(1) Establish an automatic collection of bus passenger flow data and a monitoring and analysis system for bus passenger flow to achieve accurate monitoring and data statistics of bus passenger flow, and provide a reasonable dispatch capacity based on passenger flow for bus group's intelligent dispatching operation and preparation of driving operation plans, etc. Provide scientific basis for decision-making and analysis.

(2) Combining the analysis and application of traffic road network and line data, provide the bus group with reference data for the planning, design and other related work of bus line layout, adjustment and optimization, and bus station design, supporting the line network center and related transportation The scientific development of the work of the road planning department.

(3) Through intelligent planning based on precise passenger flow and scientific planning and design of line opening and adjustment, the bus group is encouraged to formulate long-term development plans for bus companies, so that the work of bus companies and public transport management departments becomes more targeted, while at the same time It will play an active role in reducing urban traffic, controlling congestion, environmental protection and emission reduction, improving people's livelihood smart travel services, and increasing social and economic benefits.

The intelligent vehicle passenger flow statistics system mainly includes the following aspects:

1. By counting the number of people in each time period, the frequency of vehicle departure times at each time can be reasonably scheduled;

2. By counting the number of people on each bus, you can reasonably dispatch the number of vehicles on each bus;

3. By passing the number of people on and off at each station, the number and time of bus stops at a certain station can be reasonably scheduled;

4. Count the number of people in the main area, so as to make reasonable scheduling of bus vehicles;

5. Improve the service quality of flight attendants through the conversion rate of the number of passengers;

6. Evaluate and optimize the effect of public transportation advertising;

7. Reasonably formulate the time and departure times of the early and late buses;

8. By displaying the current number of passengers and the changing momentum, the bus station can take measures to prevent emergencies for a large number of people, etc.;

2. Theme

It aims to realize the statistics of the number of passengers, the number of passengers on and off the bus, the statistics of the number of segmented passengers, the statistics of sending passengers and destinations, the rational allocation of vehicles, the degree of congestion and overload analysis through a set of intelligent vehicle passenger flow statistics system. The function allows passenger transportation companies to play an intelligent dispatching system through the data collected by the system, so that public resources can be more fully utilized. The accuracy of passenger flow statistics directly affects the operation of intelligent transportation systems and the benefits of bus operations, thereby helping passenger transportation companies achieve The comprehensive data information management of passengers and vehicles creates a safe, efficient, high-quality and reasonable passenger transportation system.

Third, the scope of application

This solution is suitable for passenger flow statistics of long-distance passenger transportation and urban bus vehicles. Applicable occasions: travel agency passenger vehicles, bus vehicles, company pickup vehicles, passenger ships, pick-up vehicles in stores, etc. At the same time, it can also be used in occasions where the number of people needs to be used, such as shopping malls, exhibition halls, public exits, airports, stations/metro stations, entertainment venues, telecommunications business halls, tourist scenic areas, etc., the specific implementation plan depends on the situation set.

4. Problems faced by the management of bus passenger order

   1. It is impossible to accurately record all the things happening in the car, so as to provide effective image data for public security organs, facilitate the investigation of theft and injury cases, and help protect the legitimate rights and interests of passengers;

   2. Passengers complained of lack of factual evidence and lack of effective supervision of passengers and passengers. Due to the lack of factual evidence, passenger complaints have no proof and it is difficult to better improve customer satisfaction;

   3. The vehicle leaves the station, the driver has the authority, and the vehicle cannot be effectively monitored, resulting in many loopholes in management;

   4. Traffic jams and delays occur from time to time. Many cars in the front station are crowded, passengers in the back station are anxious, the buses on the line cannot maintain relatively stable intervals, and the dispatch center is difficult to know and cannot effectively dispatch;

   5. Due to the daily use of road slips, reports, ticket tickets, etc., front-line workers need to enter a large amount of basic operating data, which results in a lot of labor costs and paper waste, and causes difficulties for urban bus staff;

6. The information prompt requires manual operation by the driver, increasing the driver's work intensity, and often makes mistakes or does not prompt at all; in addition, the current effective management of a large number of instruments and equipment is also relatively complicated, and equipment problems cannot be found in time (the summer bus often appears The main cause of the fire is the aging of the equipment in the car).

Five, the solution

Hikway's professionally developed in-vehicle passenger flow statistics system enables effective statistical analysis of the number of people in the car and the flow of passengers getting on and off, and generates reliable data reports. It has the industry's leading detection accuracy, with an accuracy rate of more than 98% .

Through these accurate statistical data, bus operation managers can understand the flow of people in each time period, each bus, each station, etc., and provide the most practical and feasible way for public transportation operation management, passenger flow planning, scheduling, and technical support. Scientific solutions help users solve passenger safety management problems in the process of passenger transportation management, so that managers can count passengers conveniently and intuitively, and realize reasonable scheduling at any time.

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