

Saudi Arab Bus Project Using Hikway Products

Saudi Arab Bus Project Using Hikway Products

Posted by HIKWAY Technology on 6th Dec 2019

With the conciousness of safety driving increase, more and more vehicles including bus have put the camera system as a necessity for the bus. In September, 2019 there are 150 buses in Saudi Arab have … read more
Suzhou HIGER Bus Using Hikway 360° Camera System

Suzhou HIGER Bus Using Hikway 360° Camera System

Posted by HIKWAY Technology on 3rd Dec 2019

Recently Hikway Technology has completed a bus 360° camera system project on Suzhou HIGER buses. Totally 1000 sets 360° camera systems has been deployed directly in the bus factory. This pro … read more
Hikway 360° Camera System on Shenzhen Ambulance

Hikway 360° Camera System on Shenzhen Ambulance

Posted by HIKWAY Technology on 2nd Dec 2019

As we know, blind spot are the main cause of traffic accidents. For the ambulance, it is to save the lives of people, and the safety of the driving is vital for the ambulance. Recently, Hikway deplo … read more