

CMSV6 FAQ: CMSV6 Database Backup and Re-store

CMSV6 FAQ: CMSV6 Database Backup and Re-store

Posted by HIKWAY Technology fleet management solutions on 30th Sep 2021

Instructions for use: Database backup and restoreInstructions:first step:View the storage path of the backup database:The second step:Database data backup:There are two ways to back up database data … read more
CMSV6 Function Brief View

CMSV6 Function Brief View

Posted by HIKWAY Technology fleet management solutions on 3rd Aug 2021

3/4G Video SurveillanceReal-time remote audio and video monitoring. There are two video effects: realtime good and fluency good. If network is good, you can choose realtime good. If network is not goo … read more